Friday, June 8, 2012

What’s Apple Going to Announce Next Week?

Apple's World Wide Developers Conference kicks off on Monday, June 11. There will be lots of major announcements for sure, so get ready for an exciting summer. Here's what we know, what we think, and what we wish is coming...

iOS 6

Like last year, there is a very high probability that Apple will feature iOS prominently at WWDC. iOS 6 will be the cornerstone of the keynote and the follow-up sessions. Don't expect it to be available for users quite yet, though. Like iOS 5 last year—detailed at WWDC, released in October—iOS 6 will probably be available at a later date. Also like last year, it will have quite significant new features, perhaps new maps and Facebook integration.
This will be a technology preview or a beta aimed at 1) getting developers ready for its new features and changes, 2) getting consumers excited, and 3) putting the screws to Google.
Gut feeling: Definite

New MacBook Pro

With the current stock depleted and rumors screaming left and right, there is also a very high probability of a new line of MacBook Pros. We think—and very much hope— the new MacBook Pro 2012 will be like this, with new industrial design, Ivy Bridge chipsets, new graphic boards by Nvidia, high-definition retina displays, and solid state memory drives instead of hard drives, just like the MacBook Air.
But lately there have been rumors of new MacBook Pros with no retina display. I still think that there will be a flagship 15-inch MacBook Pro with retina onboard, while lower tier versions may not sport that screen. Like in 2010, when there was a special Build-to-Order option to upgrade your 15-inch MacBook Pro with a 1680x1050, while the rest of the models came with regular resolutions.
Gut feeling: Definite. And I need one, pronto!


New MacBook Air

And since Apple will be updating the guts of the Pros, there's also a very good probability that the MacBook Air will receive a guts refresh as well. Especially with all of its ultrabook competitors getting Ivy Bridge bumps already.
Gut feeling: Quite likely

OS X Mountain Lion

Mountain Lion has been available for testing for quite some time now, since last February. There's a high probability that Apple will be previewing and releasing the final version at this event, or at least announcing a near release date. I hope they'll have some surprises to turn the bad into good—but I doubt it.
Gut feeling: Quite likely

Mac Pro

There's a last-minute rumor that Apple is going to refresh the Mac Pros at WWDC. I'm sure that there are at least 54 people holding their breath for new Mac Pros, but it's hard to imagine Apple releasing a pro product like that—especially after such a long time of having this line on basic life support. Still, someone claims that this allegedly leaked price list contains model numbers for the new Mac Pro.
This is also a rumor that always comes and goes with every WWDC, but never materializes. That makes me even less sure about this.
Gut feeling: Maaaaaaybe

Apple TV Apps

This is an interesting rumor, one that makes sense. If Apple wants to turn Apple TV into a successful platform, it really needs to open up the device to far more apps. Just like with the iPhone, the app ecosystem will be a huge part to turn the Apple TV into something desirable. Especially if it allows Hulu.
Personally, I'm hoping for a Microsoft SmartGlass-ish solution, something that will allow me to tightly merge my iPad, iPhone and Apple TV.
Gut feeling: Maaaaaaybe

New iPhone

It didn't happen at last year's WWDC and the iPhone is so important that it deserves its own product launch. But with so many rumors lately and alleged leaked parts, maybe there will be a surprise.
Gut feeling: Seriously doubt it.

Apple HDTV set

Even while they later denied it, Foxconn's founder said they were starting work with Apple on manufacturing the fabled HDTV set. That means it won't be ready for a long time, if ever. So not a chance, Munster.


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